Sunday, 24 February 2013

Roller Coaster Ride

My life isn't perfect, but I'm thankful for everything I have.

One thing for sure, life is like a roller coaster ride; where sometimes you going up and down. Sometimes you will feel that there might be a dangerous and risk will happen; or maybe can be excited and entertaining to some part.

But, a ride I must take is to make myself balance and experience of all the precious sweet-bitter moment happen in my life.

I Love My Life !

Till the next post !-

Bad Dream

Have you (readers) ever experienced of a bad dream...?

Well, I do. It happened so fast, feels like my mind and my body been controlled by the bad spirit. However, I managed to fight and awake from the bad dream.

The first I do straight took my rosary and I pray, pray, and pray.

Then, I took a deep breath away.

Fuhh..such a bad experience ever I almost cry and I stay awake till 5a.m in the morning.

However, I pray continually and let the Holy Spirit took care of me :").

"Betul-betul percobaan terutama musim puasa sekarang ni"

Till the next post !

Saturday, 16 February 2013

I called it ValenFunny's Day

How you celebrate your valentine's day fellow readers.? Well, I celebrated it with funny, interesting and adventurous way.

I want to share what happened during the Valentine's Day. Well, on last 13 Feb, me,my cousins and few of my girl friends had decided to jalan-jalan at Beaufort using the train as our main transportation. So, we had plan our train trip properly with the short and spontaneous itinerary. So, 'Finger-crossed' that all is well.

There are 9 of us, and all girls apparently; this train trip consists without guy, because we all agreed we do this short without any man with us. So, main yakin saja, nasib kawan-kawan yang lain pandai taekwondo and karate juga hahaha.

Then, on 14 Feb we all agreed to meet up at Kinarut Station before 8.00a.m, unfortunately only one of us can make it before 8.00a.m. Myself, my two cousins, and one friend arrived at the station at leats we made it before 8.00a.m. So, the rest four girls had left behind, all because the 'volunteer driver' who supposed to send them but he drove them to station at 8.00a.m. OMG..!

So, those of us who arrived first, we bought our ticket first and pray so hardly hopefully they can made it before the train arrive. Unfortunately, kuang, kuang, kuang we had to ride the train without them, tapi yang paling sakit hati, the moment when the train passed through the gate we saw their car was waiting to pass through of the gate. Paling sakit hati

And, we were quite moody after that, because we didn't expect this something happen on us. Then, my friend called me, and she said she and the rest will charter one car to send them to Papar Station and hopefully we can meet up with them back. And, we were like OK, that will be great, and again hopefully they can made it before the train arrive and catch the next train.

Unfortunately,.again the luck still not on our side. They were late 10 minutes, and the train had left them again. However, we decided to stop at Papar Station and meet them up. That means we did not continue the journey to Beaufort, instead waiting for the rest (yang on the way pergi Papar ikut Charter). So, we wasted our ticket and decided to stick together. Sama-sama senang, sama-sama susah.

Its quite funny that we supposed to go to Beaufort, but our pit stop at Papar pula hahaha. Then, we had our breakfast at Papar, and at the same time there are kiosk during that time about the arrival of Prime Minister visits to Papar. Apa lagi Election Vote punya pasal hehehe. After breakfast, we walked around and had fun, took a lot of photos, eat, eat,and eat again.

After that, around 1.00pm, my cousin make suggestion AGAIN, that we all catch the next train to Beaufort at 2.29pm. Then, we think, think, and think..tadaa we all agreed. Yes! Back to the plan! So, we bought the next ticket to Beaufort. And guess what ?! Finally, we made it to Beaufort, although its quite late for us.

We arrived at Beaufort around at 3.45p.m, and the first place we went is The Pet Shop hahaha. Then, we had our tea time at Beaufort at Kedai Mamak. After our tea time, we saw the train had arrived. And we were like rushing and we all straight running to the train station. We were afraid that we will be left behind to catch the last train.

Guess what ?! We were ALMOST be left behind AGAIN. Thank God we made it catch the last train back to Kinarut Station.. Fuhhh...

Its quite hilarious when we think and talk about our craziness and how silly we are. But, at last we made it to Beaufort, though some of us be left behind at the first beginning, and almost be left behind AGAIN !

So, the moral story here is BE PUNCTUAL in whatever, whenever you do and wherever you are :) - A Friendly Reminder.

Till the next post !

Happy Valentine's Day to all viewer

Shock News !

This year Chinese New Year my family doesn't really celebrate it due to my uncle on my father side had pass away during Chinese New Year's Eve. Honestly, our family did not expect will receiving the bad news at 4.30a.m.

Apart from that, all our plan to do a family gathering on my father side on the first day of CNY had to cancelled immediately. So, its totally a shocking news for all of us. I still cannot believe it that our uncle had left us; though I just met him during my brother's wedding - last year.

We already knew that he suffered the kidney problem since few years ago, so we can see he's been suffering the disease quite long time. During my visits to the house, I truly admired my aunt (The Late's wife), she's been strong and she even said "Syukurlah uncle kamu tidak payah sengsara lagi", and her tears fall apart.

It quite sad for all of us...

However, the one has one life soon well be leaving us eventually. :')

R.I.P Uncle T...

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This is Life !

'If Only..."- these two words paired together create one of the saddest phrases in the English Language. Few days ago, I make my own reflection about LIFE. I've learned that trying to micromanage every little thing. Somehow, somewhere, I can see people nowadays get rushing apa-apa pun mau berebut; mau kejar kekayaan- too materialistic, etc. As for me, life should be touched, not strangled. Sometimes you have got to relax and let life happen without incessant worry and micromanagement. Learn to let go a life before you squeeze too tight. 
Take a deep breath -Oprah Winfrey said one of her show.

When the dust settles and you can once again see the forest for the trees, take the next step forward. You don't have to know exactly where you're going to be headed somewhere great. Everything in life is in perfect order whether you understand it yet or not. It just take sometime to connect all the dots.

Henry David Thoreau (A Writer) once said, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” Even when times are tough, it’s always important to keep things in perspective.  You didn’t go to sleep hungry last night.  You didn’t go to sleep outside.  You had a choice of what clothes to wear this morning.  You hardly broke a sweat today.  You didn’t spend a minute in fear.  You have access to clean drinking water.  You have access to medical care.  You have access to the Internet.  You can read.  Some might say you are incredibly wealthy, so remember to be grateful for all the things you do have.

P/S: Renung-renunglah (^___^)v.

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